Huayna Potosí – Ice Climbing

Código del Tour: NFA-02
From: Bs. 950.-
Departures from: La Paz
End of Tour in: La Paz
Duration: 3 DAYS / 2 NIGHTS
Languages: Spanish, English


3 Days and 2 Nights (2 days optional)

Departure: 8:30 am
Return: 14:30 pm

Payment Methods

Booking Form

Fecha de Salida *
Nombre *
Apellido *
Teléfono o WhatsApp *
Nacionalidad *

Booking and Payment

The Excursion Includes:

The Excursion DOES NOT Include 👀:


Program Description

Day 1

On the first day we will depart La Paz for Laguna Zongo (4,750m) where we will set up camp. We will then take a short trek to the base of the glacier, where we will spend the afternoon practicing many different techniques on the ice (walking, climbing, abseiling, rescue techniques, etc.).

Day 2

After breakfast we will start the ascent (mostly on rock) to the Rock Camp (5,135m), where we will set camp on the glacier. Hiking time for 2-3 hours moraine.

Day 3

On day 3 we will begin early (1 am) to make our way to the summit (6,088m). From the top of the peak we will be able to enjoy views of the altiplano, La Paz, the valleys entering into the jungle, Lake Titicaca and the entire Cordillera Real. We will then start our descent back to base camp and onward to Laguna Zongo, where our vehicle will be waiting for us to return to La Paz.